在最后一集再次(不知道是第几次)的哭成了泪人 #To take the sourest lemon that life has to offer and turn it into something resembling lemonade #Love Jack
这些天借着放假每天大半夜又重新刷了一遍 想到我大一冬天每天大半夜最爱干的事就是窝在寝室被窝里一部一部刷北川阿姨的剧 虽然最喜欢的是Over Time 但是新久草视频免费5这一部确实是哭的最伤心的 二刷依然哭的不要不要的【出息
The simple construction of good vs. evil: the good guys always prevail against all odds even if it makes no logical sense and the obstacles are not real obstacles, just mere discouragement, and the evil guy's motivation is just to oppose the good guys. Incredibly silly, and the selection of songs is tacky.