最后一集金句频出这强烈的共鸣感证明我是中年人了吗…… Contentment breeds quiet, which breeds complacency, which breeds unrest. Her marriage was a witness to all of her other failures, like a comorbidity to how she was just getting old. Her marriage is not perfect, but it's not like her being not married is ever gonna make her young again. Nothing could make her unmake the choices that she made. She just didn't know that when she was making the choices that they were gonna limit her other choices that she could make in the future. How can you live when you used to have unlimited choices and you don't have them anymore?
前五集一如既往的欢脱乐天到ep6结尾用亲人离别这种最突然的方式push the gang成长再到ep7季终把成人礼和贝尔法斯特协议公投咬合在一起成长的闹钟永远比预期更早响起长大这回事就跟vote yes or no一样预设一万种可能也不能阻止deadline和结果的来临/戏外Clare演了网飞热剧James要在四台新剧里担纲男主了真好像看着他们真的长大了一样My life is changing everyday in every possible way. 谢谢小红莓谢谢我的北爱蠢朋友们
一个真实二代移民也是一个因[吉屋出租]深爱音乐剧的20来岁大学生理想中和幻想中的少数族裔共同体乌托邦从这部处女作中除了将多种音乐风格杂糅创新融汇在音乐剧体裁里的创作能力同样也比较鲜明地显现出Lin-Manuel Miranda创造一个故事并生成意韵的基本方法兰花草免费视频在线观看这种结构方式和内核触及程度在音乐剧的范畴里问题不大但转换到电影媒介中就显得缺乏纵深和呼吸感朱浩伟中规中矩甚至相比原剧更糖果化的电影化包装对这种转换上的落差也要负上不小责任但刨除对这些过于纯良和真空化的不满足整个电影的观感还是比较不错节奏、律动、歌词与叙事的深度结合还是体现出了作者的过人之处奶奶的Paciencia Y Fe改编得真棒全片最佳